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Privilege escalation through node/proxy permissions


Platform: Kubernetes


  • Privilege Escalation


Uses the node proxy API to proxy a Kubelet request through a worker node. This is a vector of privilege escalation, allowing any principal with the nodes/proxy permission to escalate their privilege to cluster administrator, bypassing at the same time admission control checks and logging of the API server.


  • Create a namespace
  • Create a service account in this namespace
  • Create a cluster role with nodes/proxy permissions
  • Bind the cluster role to the service account


  • Retrieve a token for the service account with nodes/proxy permissions creating during warm-up
  • Use the node proxy API to proxy a benign request to the Kubelet through the worker node



Detonate with Stratus Red Team
stratus detonate k8s.privilege-escalation.nodes-proxy


Using Kubernetes API server audit logs, you can identify when the nodes proxy API is used.

Sample event (shortened):

  "objectRef": {
    "resource": "nodes",
    "subresource": "proxy",
    "name": "",
    "apiVersion": "v1"
  "http": {
    "url_details": {
      "path": "/api/v1/nodes/"
    "method": "get",
    "status_code": 200,
    "status_category": "OK"
  "kind": "Event",
  "level": "Request",
  "requestURI": "/api/v1/nodes/",

Under normal operating conditions, it's not expected that this API is used frequently. Consequently, alerting on objectRef.resource == "nodes" && objectRef.subresource == "proxy" should yield minimal false positives.

Additionally, looking at the Kubelet API path that was proxied can help identify malicious activity (/runningpods in this example). See kubeletctl for an unofficial list of Kubelet API endpoints.